Ready to Assemble
Ready to assemble (RTA) is a form of furniture that requires customer assembly. The separate components are packed for sale in cartons which also contain assembly instructions and sometimes hardware. These items are ready to be assembled upon delivery!
Ready to assemble (RTA) is a form of furniture that requires customer assembly. The separate components are packed for sale in cartons which also contain assembly instructions and sometimes hardware. These items are ready to be assembled upon delivery!
Ready to Assemble
AR Availability
AR Availability
- Available
Bed Size
Bed Size
- California King
- Full
- King
- Queen
- Twin
Bed Style
Bed Style
- Panel Bed
- Platform Bed
- Sleigh Bed
Bedroom Demographic
Bedroom Demographic
- Master
- Youth
- Ashley
- Abyard
- Adlanlock
- Altyra
- Amaris
- Amora
- Anemoon
- Aprilyn
- Arlendyne
- Bales
- Baretton
- Baronvale
- Beachcroft
- Benches
- Blariden
- Brinxton
- Centiar
- Chrestner
- Danziar
- Derekson
- Dreley
- Feddinger
- Foyland
- Fraluna
- Galliden
- Galtbury
- Gerridan
- Gleanville
- Grannen
- Hallityn
- Hallow Creek
- Hasbrick
- Holward
- Hudwick
- Huey Vineyard
- Hurley Park
- Hyanna
- Hyland wave
- Hyndell
- Jaak
- Jacek
- Jacemour
- Jaddon
- Jae
- Jailene
- Jalenry
- Jameset
- Jamon
- Janismore
- Janiyah
- Jaslyn
- Jaspeni
- Jemison Next-Gen Nuvella
- Jensworth
- Jersonlow
- Jettaya
- Joaquin
- Joville
- Joyelle
- Juararo
- Jusmour
- Kailman
- Kanwyn
- Karisslyn
- Kaydell
- Kenbell
- Kerrings
- Kevmart
- Kimonte
- Kimora
- Kimpton Isle
- Kincord
- Kleemore
- Koralynn
- Korestone
- Kurtson
- Kydler
- Ladgate
- Laifland
- Landocken
- Langdrew
- Lanolee
- Lanson
- Larkendale
- Latoya
- Laurentia
- Lavinton
- Layal
- Lazabon
- Leesworth
- Lesterton
- Lettner
- Letty
- Lexorne
- Lindyn
- Linus
- Lodanna
- Lodenbay
- Loirwick
- Loratti
- Lyncott
- Madanere
- Maddy
- Magalie
- Magan
- Mahala
- Mahima
- Mair
- Maire
- Makara
- Makeika
- Malana
- Malise
- Malthace
- Manasa
- Mandarin Cape
- Mannill
- Maovesa
- Mari
- Maribel
- Marilee
- Marilu
- Marina Sun
- Marnina
- Marnville
- Marstream
- Maxon Place
- Maylee
- Minrich
- Mirimyn
- Modmax
- Mollviney
- Montia
- Montillan
- Moriville
- Morrilton Next-Gen Nuvella
- Mount Valley
- Naples Beach
- Neilsville
- Nelling
- Next-Gen DuraPella
- Neymorton
- Niobe
- Nolden
- Norbert
- Numund
- Nyssa
- Nyx
- Odyssey Blue
- Ogaleesha
- Oliah
- Onita
- Orenman
- Ornawel
- Owingsville
- Paradise Trail
- Parellen
- Party Time
- Paxberry
- Peacemaker
- Penzlin
- Petal Road
- Pinnadel
- Piperton
- Porter
- Prattville
- Prunella
- Puckman
- Quinndon
- Rainermen
- Rainier Ranch
- Ralene
- Ralinksi
- Realyn
- Reidport
- Rencott
- Rexwell
- Rhyson
- Roanhowe
- Robbinsdale
- Robin Ridge
- Roranville
- Rowanbeck
- Russelyn
- Ryandale
- Saffi
- Saher
- Sallee
- Saria
- Sawdyn
- Scantor
- Scarbot
- Senniberg
- Serene Bay
- Sethlen
- Seton Creek
- Shallifer
- Sharlance
- Sharolyn
- Shavon
- Shavontae
- Shawburn
- Shellmond
- Sheriel
- Shianne
- Shullden
- Sidewinder
- Silo Point
- Simmenfort
- Skempton
- Socalle
- Sophie
- Stelsie
- Steuben
- Strumford
- Sundown Treasure
- Surancha
- Susandeer
- Swiss Valley
- Syler
- Tailynn
- Talar
- Taliya
- Tallenger
- Tanidore
- Tarica
- Tartonelle
- Tayner
- Tellrich
- Thadamere
- Tilden
- Tobbinsen
- Tobinville
- Top Tier
- Torlanta
- Transville
- Trindwick
- Trinell
- Triptis
- Tyler Creek
- Valebeck
- Vallisburg
- Veerwick
- Vertani
- Vessalli
- Visola
- Walton Bridge
- Wardmont
- Whitesburg
- Wildenauer
- Willowton
- Wimmings
- Wimshaw
- Windglow
- Winter
- + More
- Alloy
- Antique Black
- Antique Brass Finish
- Antique Bronze Finish
- Antique Gold
- Antique Gold Finish
- Antique Gray/Brown
- Antique Pewter Finish
- Antique Silver Finish
- Antique Teal
- Antique White
- Beige
- Beige/Brown
- Beige/Dark Brown
- Beige/Gray
- Beige/White
- Black
- Black/Brown
- Black/Chrome Finish
- Black/Dark Brown
- Black/Gold Finish
- Black/Gray
- Black/Grayish Brown
- Black/Honey Brown
- Black/Light Gray
- Black/Natural
- Black/White
- Black/White/Taupe
- Blue
- Blue/Brown
- Bone
- Brass Finish
- Bronze
- Bronze Finish
- Brown
- Brown/Antique Silver
- Brown/Beige
- Brown/Black
- Brown/Black/White
- Brown/Blue
- Brown/Cottage White
- Brown/Gun Metal
- Brown/Orange
- Brown/Silver Finish
- Burnt Umber
- Caramel
- Caramel/Black
- Champagne
- Champagne/White
- Charcoal
- Charcoal Gray
- Charcoal/Brown
- Chipped White
- Chocolate
- Clear/Brass Finish
- Clear/Bronze Finish
- Clear/Chrome Finish
- Clear/Silver Finish
- Cocoa
- Cream
- Cream/Gold Finish
- Dark Blue
- Dark Brown
- Dark Brown/Beige
- Dark Brown/Gray
- Dark Gray
- Dark Grayish Brown
- Distressed Black
- Distressed White
- Driftwood
- Driftwood/Black
- Dune
- Fog
- Forest Green
- Gold Finish
- Granite
- Gray
- Gray/Black
- Gray/Brass Finish
- Gray/Brown
- Gray/Dark Brown
- Gray/Gold Finish
- Gray/Tan
- Gray/White
- Grayish Brown
- Grayish Brown/Black
- Green
- Ink
- Ivory
- Ivory/Brown
- Ivory/Taupe
- Light Brown
- Light Brown/Black
- Light Brown/White
- Light Gray
- Light Gray/Brown
- Light Natural
- Light Tan
- Linen/Brown
- Medium Brown
- Metallic Gray
- Midnight
- Multi
- Multi Gray
- Mustard/Brown
- Natural
- Natural Brown
- Natural/Charcoal
- Navy
- Navy Blue
- Ocean
- Off White
- Oyster
- Patina
- Pearl
- Pink
- Purple
- Rust
- Rustic Brown
- Sand
- Silver Finish
- Slate
- Spice
- Stone
- Tan
- Tan Brown
- Taupe
- Toast
- Transparent/Silver Finish
- Two-tone
- Two-tone Brown
- Two-tone Brown/Charcoal
- Two-tone Brown/White
- Warm Brown
- Weathered Gray
- White
- White/Brown
- White/Chrome Finish
- White/Gray
- White/Light Brown
- White/Natural
- Whitewash
- Whitewash/Black
- Whitewash/Charcoal Gray
- + More
- assembly-required
- no-assembly-required
Dining Table Height
Dining Table Height
- Counter Height
- Pub/Bar Height
- Regular Dining Height
Extreme Value Collection
- Next-Gen Nuvella
- Performance Fabric
- reclining
- standard
Lamp Type
Lamp Type
- Desk Lamp
- Floor
- Lamp Set
- Table Lamp
Mirror Type
Mirror Type
- Mounted
- Wall
Number of Doors
Number of Doors
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Number of Drawers
Number of Drawers
- 1
- 11
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 9
- + More
Number of Shelves
Number of Shelves
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- Dining Set
Piece Count
- loveseat
- power-recliner
- sofa
- Power Loveseat
- Power Sectional
- Power Sofa
Product Theme
Product Theme
- Boho Haven
- Hollywood Glitz
- Metro Story
- Modern QTRS
- Pastoral Charm
- Pastoral Charm®
- Traditional
- Urban Foundry
- + More
- available
- not-available
- Accessories
- Bedroom
- Dining Room
- Home Office
- Living Room
- Outdoor
- + More
Seat Count
Seat Count
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- + More
- Dark
- Light
- Medium
- Other
- Oval
- Rectangle
- Round
- Square
- Express
- Not Express
- casual
- contemporary
- traditional
Sub Brand
Sub Brand
- Benchcraft
- Millennium by Ashley
- Sierra Sleep by Ashley
- Signature Design by Ashley
- Signature Design by Ashley®
Table Shape
Table Shape
- Oval
- Rectangular
- Round
- Square
Throw Fabric
Throw Fabric
- Polyester
Top Products
Top Products
- Consumer Choice
- 3 Pack
- Accent Cabinet
- Accent Chair
- Accent Table
- Bar Cart
- Barstool
- Bed
- Bench
- Bookcase
- Buffet
- Cabinet
- Chest
- Coat Rack
- Cocktail Table
- Cocktail Table Lift
- Console
- Counter Height Table
- Desk
- Desk Chair
- Dining Chair
- Dining Table
- Dresser
- EA Furniture
- End Table
- Floor Lamp
- Loveseat
- Mirror
- Nesting Table
- Nightstand
- Outdoor Barstool
- Outdoor Benches
- Outdoor Chaise-Lounge
- Outdoor Chat Set
- Outdoor Cocktail Table
- Outdoor Counter Barstool
- Outdoor Dining Bench
- Outdoor Dining Chair
- Outdoor Dining Table
- Outdoor End Table
- Outdoor Fire Pit Table
- Outdoor Lounge Chair
- Outdoor Loveseat
- Outdoor Ottoman
- Outdoor Pub Table
- Outdoor Pub Table w/FP
- Outdoor Rocking Chair
- Outdoor Sectional
- Outdoor Sectional Set
- Outdoor Sofa
- Recliner
- Sconce
- Sectional
- Server
- Sofa
- Sofa Table
- Stool
- Table
- Table Lamp
- Table Lamp Pair
- Table Lamp Youth
- TV Stand
- Vanity
- + More
- 13104
- 21104
- 21105
- 22003
- 22004
- 54102
- 59301
- 59302
- 61003
- 61004
- 92102
- 92103
- 92104
- 92121
- 92705
- 92706
- A3000029
- A3000031
- A3000053
- A3000063
- A3000074
- A3000157
- A3000192
- A3000193
- A3000213
- A3000241
- A3000244
- A3000271
- A3000312
- A3000313
- A3000638
- A3000641
- A3000662
- A3000670
- A3000673
- A3000694
- A3000695
- A3000696
- A3000705
- A4000031
- A4000089
- A4000095
- A4000209
- A4000219
- A4000258
- A4000268
- A4000308
- A4000325
- A4000353
- A4000365
- A4000368
- A4000382
- A4000441
- A4000442
- A4000451
- A4000461
- A4000462
- A4000502
- A4000533
- A4000569
- A4000574
- A4000586
- A4000587
- A4000591
- A4000592
- A4000596
- A4000604
- A4000616
- A4000618
- A4000627
- A4000628
- A4000630
- A4000633
- A4000636
- A4000640
- A4000641
- A4000644
- A4000654
- A4000661
- A4000670
- A4000671
- A4000672
- A4000673
- A4000677
- A4000678
- A4000680
- A4000681
- A8010036
- A8010187
- B010
- B060
- B1013
- B1036
- B1050
- B1145
- B1190
- B1191
- B128
- B138
- B1420
- B181
- B200
- B2073
- B2075
- B214
- B249
- B251
- B2540
- B2587
- B2588
- B2640
- B267
- B446
- B615
- B651
- B687
- B697
- B733
- B742
- B743
- B751
- B764
- B772
- B777
- B821
- B841
- B924
- B947
- B980
- B989
- D109
- D119
- D194
- D200
- D250
- D261
- D275
- D287
- D291
- D334
- D336
- D372
- D380
- D394
- D407
- D427
- D494
- D502
- D511
- D542
- D546
- D580
- D583
- D594
- D615
- D618
- D631
- D634
- D642
- D731
- D736
- D743
- D821
- D947
- D983
- EA1024
- EA1811
- EA1864
- EA2120
- EA2270
- EA2320
- EA4957
- EB1024
- EB1104
- EB1221
- EB1528
- EB1810
- EB1811
- EB1864
- EB1865
- EB1867
- EB2120
- EB2270
- EB2320
- EB4121
- EB4123
- EB5514
- EB9630
- H102
- L100074
- L100254
- L100724
- L100744
- L100764
- L117964
- L121854
- L123884
- L177904
- L178014
- L180024
- L180094
- L200064
- L204064
- L204164
- L204174
- L204454
- L206011
- L206043
- L207151
- L207171
- L207181
- L207294
- L207304
- L207314
- L207354
- L207394
- L207464
- L208124
- L208254
- L208334
- L208344
- L208354
- L208421
- L208424
- L235584
- L235634
- L243004
- L243164
- L243354
- L243654
- L276014
- L329074
- L329084
- L329094
- L405284
- L428081
- L428084
- L429014
- L429034
- L430144
- L430164
- L430324
- L430414
- L430594
- L430664
- L431414
- L431584
- L725059
- L725109
- L725119
- L734031
- L734232
- L734252
- L801524
- L815714
- L857664
- L857724
- L857764
- P008
- P011
- P014
- P108
- P111
- P114
- P210
- P216
- P297
- P312
- P340
- P369
- P384
- P390
- P407
- P417
- P439
- P560
- P671
- P701
- P704
- P711
- P749
- P750
- P791
- P792
- P798
- P802
- P804
- PCB3370
- PCB779
- PCP204
- PCP695
- T161
- T381
- T505
- T551
- T632
- T655
- T667
- T679
- T689
- U43808
- U43809
- W686
- W769
- + More